Did Kim Kardashian Cheat On Kanye West With NBA Star Chris Paul?

Let’s just get right to it: On Twitter last night (December 1), Kanye West claimed he once caught Kim Kardashian cheating on him with NBA all-star Chris Paul.

As for how we got to this point, it started yesterday, when Ye and fellow controversial figure Alex Jones had a conversation on Jones’ InfoWars show. West said a number of questionable things in the interview, the most outrageous of which left even the outspoken Jones scratching his head. One such quote was, “Every human being has value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler.”

After that, West took to Twitter to tweet many things, one of which was a graphic that merged a swastika with the Star Of David. That got his Twitter account suspended yet again, with Elon Musk later confirming it was due to an “incitement to violence.” Before the plug was pulled on West’s Twitter, though, he shared an image featuring a photo of the basketball player and wrote, “Let’s break one last window before we get outa here: I caught this guy with Kim. Good night.”

Neither Paul nor Kardashian have yet to publicly address West’s accusation. However, TMZ reports that “a source close to the situation” told them, “This is not true and sadly it’s an ongoing pattern with Kanye — attacking Kim to redirect everyone’s attention after a day of crazy antics where he has said every hateful and offensive thing he can possibly dream of. He has a history of falsely accusing her of also having affairs with Meek Mill, Drake, and countless others. Kanye has for years deflected his own awful behavior, infidelities, and obsession with porn and sex addiction to abuse and slut-shame Kim. She wants to be left alone so she can focus on the well-being of their children.”


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